
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you – – – – ” Jeremiah 1:5

Before anything else

Before we had time to talk ourselves out of it or to convince ourselves otherwise, before we had time to tell ourselves were not good enough and not worth much. And before we decided we were from too far over the wrong side of the tracks to be of any use to Him.

Before that – He chose us.

And nothings changed.

You and I – chosen to be His daughters, His friends, His beloved – to reflect His glory, to be part of His beautiful work here on earth.

For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. – – – – Ephesians 1:4

Chosen – to bare His image, share His light, be the aroma of Christ – right where we find ourselves.

In this place, with these people, this family, these colleagues, this job, this house – with it’s broken tile and the shutter loose.

“You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit–fruit that will last” —– John 15:16

Not too young, not too old, not too ordinary and not too slow, not too beat up and broken either – not too any other thing we might think counts us out -because none of it counts.

The wholeness God creates in us counts. Trusting that He is with us, and within us, and that He wants to come out of us right where we are counts. Showing up – ready or not counts. Giving it your best shot counts. His love for us too – that counts. And from that place, were bound to end up doing that more than we ever imagined we could do.

“We are the mirrors of God on earth, the megaphones of glory, the hands and eyes and hearts of heaven. We are grieved but not hopeless, brought from darkness into light, given a new name, a new future, a new Power alive within us.”

You and I – we are uniquely ourselves, uniquely gifted, uniquely qualified, loved, chosen, here in this skin, right now for the beautiful God given, God breathed purpose of reflecting God in this world.

Have a beautiful day

Lv Tracey