A Good Cry

How great is the goodness you have stored up for those who fear you. You lavish it on those who come to you for protection, blessing them before the watching world. You hide them in the shelter of your presence, safe from those who conspire against them. You shelter them in your presence, far from accusing tongues. Psalm 31:19 and 20

Us girls – well we all know the benefits of a good cry don’t we. It’s usually not a delicate one tissue type of affair though is it, more a hand over the whole box of tissues type of event – but they can do the heart and soul such good. But where do we go then?  I think David knew something about it – he wasn’t one to bottle things up, he knew how to pour his heart out to God.

Psalm 31 like many of the Psalms is full of heart felt and heart sore honesty. Here David’s emotions are raw, his distress is acute, his fears real and his anger burning. Alone, isolated, weak and suffering in body and soul and at the end of his rope.

And there he remembers God.

Hearts contents are poured out – no filter, no hiding – not from God anyway, no checking and measuring his words, David unburdens his heart – spills his troubles out to God  and – – –  remembers God’s goodness.  He reminds himself of the hope he has in a good and powerful God who sees him and knows Him, who has protected and provided for him, who won’t let him go or see him destroyed by His enemies. He relies on it, His hope is in it, He draws confidence from it, and He rests in it. He’s safe in it.

David knew dark in his life but He kept facing towards the light. 

His was not an empty or despairing cry, not a bitter or hopeless rambling, but a good cry, an honest to God heart cry, an emotional release mixed in with prayer and hope and faith and thankfulness so that David is able to say in the middle of his trouble “I will be glad and rejoice in your love, for you saw my affliction and knew the anguish of my soul. You have not given me into the hands of the enemy but have set my feet in a spacious place.”

Is there any better place to lay our heart bare – to pour out the fullness of our hearts – the good, the bad and the down right ugly – but before God where its safe and where His light can reach us and change us. Any better place than the “shelter of his presence”.

Darkness doesn’t have anything on light, on hope, on faith. – – – the dark can never travel as fast as Light. The Light is always there first, waiting to shatter the dark. Ann Voskamp http://www.aholyexperience.com

Lv Tracey

Need a cuppa? 

With all this rainy cold weather I’m thinking its the perfect time for us all to get together, cosy up and enjoy a delicious afternoon tea. And – – – we can and raise some money for the Cancer Council while we are at it. Saturday the 23rd of May between 3pm and 5pm at Vaflers. Make a $5 donation to Cancer Council and then just order and pay from the Vaflers menu. Why not pull a few old, new, not yet friends together and make a party of it!! Book a table directly with Vaflers on 42609006.