Fabulous By Design

Fabulous creation

There are 639 muscles in the human body. Six hundred and thirty-nine!  I have a degree in Medical Science so I can name a lot of them – but I don’t remember the names of all 639. Obviously there are those who do – their jobs kind of depend on it – but the average person has no clue. Interesting fact:  It takes the interaction of 72 different muscles to produce speech. That means while you’re talking, there are 72 muscles moving around allowing you to do so…think about that the next time you speak.

An adult human has 206 skeletal bones. Two hundred and six!  A little more advanced than the old ‘knee bone connected to the shin bone’ song. It also might surprise you to know that your bones are never more than 20 years old, regardless of your biological age, because your body continually produces (with some nutritional help from you) new bone during its lifetime.

A 30-day human embryo is one quarter of an inch long, has a brain of unmistakable human proportions, kidneys, liver, ears, eyes, mouth, an umbilical cord and a pumping heart.  A 45-day embryo’s skeleton is complete in cartilage and has made its first movements.  And the embryo isn’t brainless at this point either – brain waves have been recorded by an EEG in the human embryo just 40 days after fertilisation.

The intricacy of our bodies is such a wonder to me. I watched my fingers today as they unpacked grocery items. Picking up, twisting, folding, pulling…my digits fiddled with perfect precision barely without even a conscious thought. Driving a car is a marvel also. Looking in the rear vision mirror, applying the break, turning the steering wheel, judging the distances, flicking on the indicator, turning on the lights. Our brains truly are the most amazing CPU’s.

I know the general consensus is that man is an evolutionary ‘miracle’ (quite the contradictory statement), but honestly is that the best we can come up with to explain our existence? Is it so hard to believe we are simply fabulous by design?

Whether or not a person believes in a Creator, all agree that the world we are in, including ourselves, is governed by the laws of nature. And of course I totally agree. But I don’t understand how we can just leave it at that…

…because it doesn’t explain how the laws of nature come to be in the first place?

“The important point is not merely that there are regularities in nature, but that these regularities are mathematically precise, universal, and tied together. Einstein spoke of them as ‘reason incarnate.’ The question we should ask is how nature came packaged in this fashion. This is certainly the question that scientists from Newton to Einstein to Heisenberg have asked – and answered. Their answer was the Mind of God.”

That statement was written by one of the world’s most notorious atheists, Antony Flew – who later in his life appeared to ‘change his mind.’ He says that scientists who point to the mind of God are not only following a logical scientific trail, but rather “they propound a vision of reality that emerges from the conceptual heart of modern science and imposes itself on the rational mind. It is a vision that I personally find compelling and irrefutable.”

Pretty compelling stuff coming from a former atheist.


I have this Friend…

…what can I say about Him except that He is nothing short of brilliant?  He made every detail, sees every detail, and governs the laws that keep every detail in place.

We are fabulous by design simply because He is.


See for yourself in Genesis 1, Luke 12:7, Psalm 139:13-16

By Aubrey Bayliss


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