Freedom Walk

John 8:31 & 32  Jesus said to the people who believed in Him, “You are truly my disciples if you keep obeying my teachings. And you will know the truth and the truth will set you free” NLT

Just had to do some more thinking on these two verses – these were way too good to let slip by without a little more pondering – –  –

That first verse is the bit we do  – where Jesus says keep following me, stay with me, and keep obeying my words. The second verse is the promise  – this is the prize – the beautiful thing that happens as a result of our believing and following and getting back up – where He tells us its worth taking the journey, its worth choosing His way over our way  – cause His way is the truth and His truth leads to freedom.

Aahhh freedom- doesn’t every fibre of our being long for it, isn’t it what He designed us for, isn’t it where we start to really be ourselves, where we start to tap into what He has created us to be – – – isn’t it why He came – to free us from ourselves, our past, our pain, our brokenness, our dead end thinking, our flawed and futile human reasoning, the lure and pull of sin – the list goes on.

Freedom – it happens as we choose Him.  Every day and every time we choose Jesus’ way instead of our way, every time we take hold of His wisdom instead of our own, every time we keep believing and acting on His word instead of throwing in the towel, every time we choose to love people instead of only loving ourselves – we are walking into that freedom and into the life He wants us to live. Everyday!

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Galations 5:1a

Lets enjoy that freedom, lets be so be thankful for how far He has brought us and lets keep on choosing Him.

Have a beautiful day.

Lv Tracey xx

Some music – one of my favorites.

“Glorious” by Bryan and Katie Torwalt

Comments from “Real-ly True-ly” June 16

It got me thinking about my relationships with people and how I can improve not only them but also myself in the process.  It also reminds me to stay connected to God and bring Jesus into every situation.  Susie

What a lovely reality check!  I needed to read it, embrace it, live it.

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