The Answer to Our Prayer

‘Call to Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know.’ Jeremiah 33:3

I love the promise in this – the mysteries and wonders of God made known to us – not by some magical process but by us calling and asking.

Sounds like God knows a few things we don’t.

And what a relief that is. Thank God we have more than this earthy human reasoning of ours to get us through. That we have by God’s grace, the riches and depth of His wisdom and knowledge.

So how come we so very often think we know the answers – – – – and then get all put out and cranky when things don’t go the way we think they should. See our answer may not be THE answer. In fact I can almost guarantee it’s not.

You and I have a loving God who knows all things – the top and the bottom, the back and the front, the start and the finish; who knows us from every possible angle – who is asking us to ask Him. To call out to Him, to make our prayer known. There’s something in that – in giving words and a voice to what’s in our hearts, in calling to God in our need, in laying our hearts bare and speaking our mind to Him.

And then there is this – letting Him answer.

Not our answer, His answer.

And there’s the trust thing – trusting that He will always answer us and that His answers are good. They may not look the way we think they will, they might turn up in a different place altogether to what we expected and they might be of an entirely different colour.

Full of His wisdom, His knowledge, His “great and mighty” workings.

For us – – there is the listening and looking and paying attention to what God is doing, to where He is answering, to what He is saying. There is making room for God’s answer rather than one-track mindedness on our answer.

It reminds me of this scripture

You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:13

and this

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. Matthew 7:7

It is ours to ask and God to answer. So in our asking lets open our arms, our eyes and our hearts to hear and see what God has for us.

Lv Tracey

Need a cuppa?

As the weather gets cooler I’m thinking it’s the perfect time for us all to get together, cosy up and enjoy a delicious afternoon tea. And we can raise some money for the Cancer Council while we are at it. Saturday the 23rd of May between 3pm and 5pm at Vaflers. Make a $5 donation to Cancer Council and then just order and pay from the Vaflers menu. Why not pull a few old, new, or not yet friends together and make a party of it!! Book a table directly with Vaflers on 42609006.