Between Us and the World

John 16:33 (NLT)

 I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.

It’s bossy and demanding and unfriendly. It bites and stings and bruises.  Unrelenting in its requirements, cruel, incongruous and exhausting to fathom – the world that is. It will kick the stuffing right out of you and then – come back for seconds.

And then there is Jesus  – standing whisper close saying – It’s OK – I’ve bossed life right back, finished on top and had the final say.

In between the world and us is the One who has overcome it all, the One who has faced it all head on and won, the One who endured all that the world would throw at Him and in doing so took away its power to destroy us. 

The world  – He’s turned it on its end and put it in its place – He came to give us life – a full life – in a world intent on taking it away.  We’re no longer at its mercy because He has placed us right in the middle of His mercy, washed us clean and covered us up in His righteousness.   His words a comfort and shield and sure thing when nothing else is sure, His love a blanket and a soft place when life is full of edges, His fullness filling up our empty, His light consuming our darkness, His peace taking care of our chaos and nothing, nothing can separate us from Him. (Romans 8:38-39)

“ – – – We’re safe now.  The worst has already happened and it happened to Jesus and nothing else can wreck us. Edie Wadsworth ~ Life in Grace

Lv Tracey xx

Thank You!!!

Thank you so much to everyone for bringing along delicious food to our Sunday lunch ~ it was so good!! And a lovely big thank you for everyone getting involved with set up and cleaning up – so appreciated – we made a great team!