Just Do Your Thing ~ Again

And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. 2 Corinthians 3:18

This caught my attention this week

“The best way to sabotage my own success is to be obsessed with someone else’s” Emily P Freeman. 

Mmmm – it reminded me of this Women Connect post from last year inspired by John Chapter 12 when Jesus visits Mary and Martha in their home not long after He had raised Lazarus from the dead.  Martha prepares a beautiful meal and serves it herself and Mary dramatically pours out a rich and expensive oil over Jesus feet – – – I hope you don’t mind me sharing it with you again – one from the vault with a few extra little thoughts thrown in.


– – – – I was thinking again on Mary and Martha this week – both of them wanting to do something special for Jesus – wanting to pour out their hearts and their thanks to Him. Each of them so different, yet, complimenting each other so well. In the end they both did something amazingly special for Jesus just by being themselves, following their hearts and doing their own thing – their own way.

Now here’s a sure fire way we can totally stop ourselves from finding and doing our own thing. Start looking at all the things other women are doing and start comparing yourself, start asking questions like “well why aren’t I doing that?”,  “how come I’m not that clever?”, “why aren’t I involved in something amazing?”, “what am I doing with my life?” and the final straw – – – “what’s wrong with me?” – – – you’ll be depressed and demotivated before you know it and feeling like you haven’t a thing to offer anyone. Its a unique punishment us girls like to lavish on ourselves but – – – I’m learning not to do it anymore.

We all are called by God to be uniquely ourselves, we all have something to give and offer and do – usually so much more than we think. 

I love being motivated and encouraged by other women’s stories and experiences – – – it doesn’t mean it’s what I should be doing or what’s going to be right for me – I can learn a whole lot from their passion and commitment though, I can benefit from their wisdom and it can help me see what’s possible.

I can learn from their thing about how to do my thing!! 

We come in such varieties – and yeah we get on each other’s nerves sometimes because we do stuff so differently  – but we can make room for each other, celebrate our differences and be each other’s biggest fans.

The world will tell you different but its not “who does the most wins” it’s not like shoes and its not about us trying to out do each other – it’s about doing our own thing – our own way – WHATEVER IT ISfor Him – in our home, our family, our community, wherever. It could be the thing we do every single day, the thing we are naturally good at, or are getting good at, or always wanted to do or the thing you feel God has put in your heart to do – doing that and seeing what God can do where you are, with what you have.  Martha had a plate of food, Mary a jar of perfume. They both gave what they had – with hearts full and probably shaking hands and in doing so helped prepare Jesus for His journey to the cross.

So you got nothing? I don’t believe you:

 “Start where you are, use what you have, do what you can” (Arthur Ashe) 

We can all do that – that’s where our little bit that we think is nothing can become a whole lot of something.

In a world that tells us small means weak, it can be tempting to fret about our place in God’s kingdom. Go ahead and sigh, because it turns out we weren’t made for world domination or national notoriety. We were made to link arms and rub shouldersWe were created to make unremarkable sacrifices with great love.

Shannan Martin (incourage)

Want to do something amazing – JUST BE YOU – for Him – on purpose, with a passion, with all you’ve got.

Have a beautiful day.

Lv Tracey xx
