Keep On, Keep In and Keep Going

John 8:31 & 32 Jesus said to the people who believed in Him, “You are truly my disciples if you keep obeying my teachings. And you will know the truth and the truth will set you free” NLT

This is one of those sum everything up and make it real simple to understand pieces of scripture and I like those.

What grabbed me this week was the first part where Jesus says we are truly His disciples   if we “keep obeying his teachings”. Mmm I thought it was more complicated than that.

I’m so glad He didn’t say – you are really my disciples if you get it right all the time and don’t make any mistakes or if you never have any doubts or  – – – you are really my disciples  if you always have the perfect Christiany thing to say in every situation  – – –  sounds crazy but isn’t that  the sort of pressure we put on ourselves sometimes!  Jesus just says that to really be His follower – we just need to keep following Him – keep listening keep, learning, keep going!!

So you fall down and skin your knees now and then, get thrown for a loop by your own self doubts and collapse in a screaming heap occasionally – well your in good company, – we all do it  – that doesn’t count us out of being His disciples that just means we are alive and having a go – what makes us His followers is the getting back up and dusting ourselves off and continuing to follow Him – even when its tough, even when we cant see the big picture, even when we are sure we know better, even when our confidence has been totally rocked. Its keeping on choosing His ways and His truth even then. He promises that we won’t be lead astray. His ways are truth and that truth sets us free.

So ladies keep on, keep in and keep going and have a beautiful day

Lv Tracey xx

Some musical inspiration

This one I’ve shared before – so good – really worth having a listen to.

Another favourite “Glorious” by Bryan and Katie Torwalt