Let there be light

Hi everyone – just one lovely verse to do some pondering on today. John 8 verse 12

            Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness but have the light of life.”

Jesus  – the Light! So what do I know about light?

I know it only takes a small amount of light to disperse a whole lot of darkness. Jesus uttered only one sentence that instantly over turned all the darkness and ugliness of the Pharisees. John8:7

I know it heals. Get a wound out into the light for a bit each day and it starts to get better.

I know you can’t hide things in the light. Light shows things for what they really are. What do you do if you want to get a really good look at something? You get it under some good light. Light exposes the truth. I’m reminded of a favourite scripture.

            Mercy and truth are met together; righteousness and peace have kissed. Psalm 85:10

How beautiful is that. When we tell the truth – when we get something out of the darkness and put it in the light – God’s mercy comes. Being right with God and being at peace are what happens next. Has there ever been a better reason to spill your beans.

I wonder why we squirrel our scary, not so lovely stuff away then  – is it so we don’t have to look at it or deal with it or are we worried that if we really let God see our hearts He won’t want us any more or that we would be letting Him down?

What happened when that woman’s sin (John 8: 1-11) hand in hand with her shame and indignity were brought into Jesus lovely light? He didn’t fall over in shock, He didn’t shake His head in disappointment, He simply did away with it and said (in my words) – your OK now, you can move on – “go and sin no more” What a journey she went on that day, from darkness into light, fear to safety, guilt to absolution, a life lost to a life with purpose.  We are on that journey and our secret scary stuff is safe with Him – we can bring it into His light, He knows what to do with it – no more hiding needed, no more feeling ashamed required  – we can move on.

In this verse and the ones preceding Jesus message is so clear – how awful our darkness – how magnificent His Light. So lets swap our darkness for His light – it’s an awesome trade.