Oh Happy Day

John 9 

I love a good story and this is a great one. The thing I noticed most were all the questions flying around.

The Pharisees were full of questions about how the blind man was healed but they didn’t want the answers – they missed seeing Jesus even while He was in plain sight.

The disciples had a few question too  –  who’s sin caused the mans blindness, who was at fault? Jesus tells them – nobody –  it is what it is –  “so the power of God can be seen in Him” – now that’s a beautiful change in perspective isn’t it – why its happened isn’t as important as what Jesus can do in the middle of it. How different does our “unhappy” look from this vantage point.

When we get too caught up in the whys and the wherefores and the how comes and who’s to blame and maybe even the “why me God”? –  we can miss the really good bit where Jesus stops and talks with us and the bit where His sweet meets our bitter, His beauty covers our ashes, where His eternal touches our mortal.  We can miss the miracle of His power at work in us.

The blind man didn’t miss it  –  he didn’t stop to ask questions, he took Jesus at his word. He didn’t baulk at the indignity of having mud mixed out of spit and dirt rubbed across his eyes!?!? –  was he being mocked or was this for real. He took his chances, found the river and got his miracle.  So God’s work in our lives can get messy, uncomfortable and scary, it can take us way out of our comfort zone and get decidedly unglamorous.  It might be risky, it might be scary but IT IS SO WORTH IT TO SEE GOD AT WORK IN OUR LIVES – so whats a bit of mud in our eyes occasionally if God is doing something good.

God Bless and have a great day

Tracey xx

Some music from Soweto Gospel Choir
